by James Tomlinson | Apr 8, 2021 | News
Once I had finished writing the first draft it amounted to approximately 120,000 words. I just wanted to tell the story that was the first real BJJ super hero book, in the hope that it could inspire kids to do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I felt I had the raw materials for a...
by James Tomlinson | Apr 7, 2021 | News
2020 was tough for everybody around the world! As a BJJ coach, practitioner and Personal Trainer based in Melbourne 10 months of lock down absolutely put the life I knew on hold. This being said in the face of great adversity come great opportunity. I very fortunately...
by James Tomlinson | Feb 1, 2020 | News
That’s right ladies and Gentlemen Jiugo will be available in the USA as of February 2020! As a result of a very fortunate, chance meeting we were able to connect with just the right guy, the perfect mix of jiu-jitsu, marketing and distribution. This is awesome on many...
by James Tomlinson | Jan 20, 2020 | News
As an impressionable child that grew up on Mario Brothers, Ninja Turtles and The Simpsons I always imagined making my own characters in their own world. I have been drawing since I was very young and continued to develop this into my teenage years messing around doing...
by James Tomlinson | Dec 4, 2019 | News
In the beginning there was just a chaos of random Submission techniques. There were all the standard guard, sweep, takedown, passes and control position cards – Lets not forget the Scramble cards so intergral to keeping play fluid. Lets be honest it wasn’t Jiu-Jitsu...
by James Tomlinson | Nov 15, 2019 | News
At It’s inception the Original JiuGo card game was an attempt to express the strategy and flow of Brazilian jiujitsu, this is not an easy thing to do… The infinite combination of movements and positions that can occur during a roll, ( jiujitsu sparring) makes putting...
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